"Rodney W. Grimes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you give me a model of a QIC drive that has the ``can't write 2
> FM's'' and I'll see if I can find one so that I can see this problem
> first hand and propose a solution to it.

The problem with QIC drives is that they only support writing at BOM
or at EOD.  So once you have recorded 2 FM's in order to mark your
very own opinion of EOD (the actual EOD is behind those two FM's), you
can't undo this upon a later attempt to append more data to the tape,
you'll always end up with two filemarks inmidst the tape.  You can't
say ``just go to end-of-recorded-media, space backward over one
filemark, and write here''.  You'll get a `write append error'.  Boom.

I think this is way worse than the potential possibility of a
vaporware SCSI tape drive that might not support a notion of a
physical EOD...

cheers, J"org

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.sax.de/~joerg/ -- NIC: JW11-RIPE
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