Argh!!! SMIT! Hack! Puke!

Why do we have to make FreeBSD more like HP-UX? the most sucky UNIX ever
invented apart from AIX?

Those of us old enough to remember the SunView install tool with graphical
disk icons and the amazing 'free disk hog' barchart partition manager, while
finding it vaguely entertaining, could not in all concience say its a 'better'
way to install a machine. After the first 10, you generally prefer to do
something else anyway. And those icons of 5and1/4 in hard disk boxes become
so dated, I mean who is going to draw the littley bittley disk icons each
year, and are we going to wind up with skins, and will it make /. (like I care)

sysinstall is perfectly good enough as an engine.

If you want to emulate the new Anaconda Python/tk interface for Linux why
not just run it instead of re-inventing it?

Not all apps need a GUI. cat -v as a term of abuse seems to be a concept
vanishing from the language...

George Michaelson         |  DSTC Pty Ltd
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  University of Qld 4072
Phone: +61 7 3365 4310    |  Australia
  Fax: +61 7 3365 4311    |

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