"Jordan K. Hubbard" wrote:
> VESA syscons, either using libvgl and an array of crude widgets or
> something like MGR and its widget set, has long been on the wish-list
> but I didn't even include it in my summary since it's still very much
> a pipe-dream. :-)  There's actually one mode you forgot, which is

Since no one seems to have spoken of it yet... GGI! GGI! I bet their X
server is far smaller than XFree's, and we don't even _have_ to usa an X

> what I call "text mode", and that's straight ascii prompts, no CUI-style
> dialog boxes or anything.  Think about text-to-speach devices for
> the blind or serial consoles attached to really *dumb* terminals. :-)

Sounds like CLI. :-)

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)
who is as social as a wampas


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