<<On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 16:06:31 -0800, "Jordan K. Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> citizen" these days without a resolvable hostname that also matches
> your primary IP address or, among other things, you won't be able to
> send mail directly to anyone who practices traditional spam filtering
> techniques.

However, there is no need to actually use the configured hostname for
this purpose.  `temp-4224.lcs.mit.edu' is just that, temporary -- I
want my machine to know what its *real* identity is.

>From my perspective, when I'm installing a FreeBSD machine, the DHCP
client option serves only to quick-start the installation -- the
machine will eventually have a real address.  It would be useful to me
if sysinstall paid attention to the hostname I specified

> the hostname will currently cause it to override the DHCP hostname
> value even if it is specified (as it certainly is on *my* DHCP server :-)
> and result in broken behavior for the aformentioned mailers.

You have your mail server set to ``authenticate'' based on the HELO?
That's the only thing in the SMTP protocol that the kernel's hostname
setting has any impact on.


Garrett A. Wollman   | O Siem / We are all family / O Siem / We're all the same
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | O Siem / The fires of freedom 
Opinions not those of| Dance in the burning flame
MIT, LCS, CRS, or NSA|                     - Susan Aglukark and Chad Irschick

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