OK; I'm cheating a bit, since I didn't really "upgrade" -- I waylaid our
backup server, which gets beat on in the morning, and installed the
4.0-20000208-CURRENT onto some otherwise-unused disk on the box.

I can certainly report that the "custom" install doesn't SIGSEGV.  :-)
(Only thing I found odd was the placement of the "Exit" option at the
top of each menu, rather than the bottom.)

First thing I did afterward was to bring it up under the old OS, to make
sure I don't need to spend my time fixing that so the backups will run in
the morning.  And I can report that this exercise did, in fact, work
well.  :-)  ("Old OS" is FreeBSD 2.2.6-R.  / & /usr are maintained as
separate file systems between the 2 OSs; the other filesystems get
mounted in analogous places when either one is up.)

One thing that I've noted before, but never early enough to make it
worth mentioning is the libcrypt* symlinks in /usr/lib/compat/aout:
because we use NIS, we also use DES.  And because we have a fairly wide
mix of hardware and FreeBSD releases, I generally try to keep the 2.x
compatibility stuff intact (at least, until we have no more binaries
around that run in 2.x).

So in /usr/lib, the libcrypt* entries point to corresponding
libdescrypt* entries, as expected.

But in /usr/lib/compat/aout, the libcrypt* entries point to
corresponding libscrypt* entries... and there are no libdescrypt*

I've circumvented this previously by copying over the libdescrypt*
entries from a 2.x system's /usr/lib, and manually changing the symlinks
accordingly... but that's certainly not something I'd prefer to do.

I'd offer patches if I had half a clue how to proceed....  :-(

I hope this is actually of some use to someone,
David Wolfskill         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         UNIX System Administrator
voice: (650) 577-7158   pager: (888) 347-0197   FAX: (650) 372-5915

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