Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> On 15 Feb, Jose M. Alcaide wrote:
> > I found an annoying problem: the line drawing chars are not drawn
> > in xterms. This can be tested with talk(1), grdc(6), or simply
> > with a command like "dialog --yesno Test 5 15". However, it works
> > from the system console, using TERM=cons25 and TERM=cons25l1.
> >
> > If using TERM=xterm-color from an xterm, the background color of the
> > line drawing character boxes is correct, but the character itself
> > does not appear.
> Works here without problems (TERM = xterm & xterm-color).
> Wild guess: Does your shell support 8bit-chars?

Very surprising. Yes, the shell correctly displays 8-bit characters.
The system is 4.0-20000209-CURRENT, but I have just rebuilt libncurses
and termcap. I was using bash with LANG=es_ES.ISO_8859-1, but I did
the tests again using sh with LANG=C (8bit-clean, anyway), to no avail.

Any ideas?

-- JMA
José Mª Alcaide                         | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universidad del País Vasco              | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dpto. de Electricidad y Electrónica     |
Facultad de Ciencias - Campus de Lejona | Tel.:  +34-946012479
48940 Lejona (Vizcaya) - SPAIN          | Fax:   +34-946013071
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