On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, The Hermit Hacker wrote:

> Okay, now I'm getting somewhere, but where I don't know :(  set the
> ifconfig, run IPXrouted, and netstat -nr tells me a bunch of stuff about
> IPX ... great, that appeasr to be up, but I get errors with ncplogin, so
> obviously I'm missing something (and wihtout the search of archives, this
> is the most embarressing and painful way of doing this *sigh*) ...

> athena# ncplogin -S admin.acadiau.ca -U marc
> Warning: no cfg files found.

        "admin.acadiau.ca" looks like a DNS record. If this server is a
netware 5.x one, then you can use "-S admin -A admin.acadiau.ca" options
and netware client will use UDP protocol. Otherwise, I'm suspect that
command line should look like this:

        ncplogin -S admin -U marc

        Please note, that user "marc" should be in the bindery context.

Boris Popov

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