On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 09:34:28AM +0000, Doug Rabson wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Mike Smith wrote:
> > I guess it depends on how fancy we want to get.  Here are some examples 
> > that I've been rolling around; some are fanciful, some practical)
> > 
> >     dev_            generic device (eg. dev_sio)
> >     bus_            bus support (eg. bus_pci)
> >     netif_          network interface (eg. netif_ed)
> >     netproto_       network protocol (eg. netproto_arp)
> >     netdomain_      network domain (eg. netdomain_ip)

How is the difference between netproto & netdomain defined?  I'm running into
a case where I can easily turn the stack upside down (say, running frame-relay
over IP over MPLS in an IP tunnel over PPP -- that's almost working actually).

It sounds like netdomain is somehow higher up in the stack than netproto.. 
even though they're all protocols.



  "Logic is a little bird, sitting in a tree; that smells *awful*."
                                                         --  /usr/bin/fortune

[Disclaimer: I speak for myself and my views are my own and not in any way to
             be construed as the views of BellSouth Corporation. ]

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