On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Archie Cobbs wrote:

> > > I like this idea (subdirectories) better.. it will last longer :-)
> > 
> > It's a really bad idea, because it requires you to classify things.  It 
> > also makes it much harder to administer.  In addition, classifications 
> > are bad (witness the need to reorganise the kernel source tree).
> > 
> > > You should then be able to load a module "isa/if_ed.ko" etc
> > > and have it work (no leading slash).
> > 
> > And here is a good example.  Why would you want to put if_ed in the 
> > "ISA" category when it can be attached to both the PCI and ISA busses?
> I don't care how you classify it.. of course the "isa" category is wrong.
> I was just pointing out that having things in subdirectories
> is better than having a zillion files piled into a single directory.

Not always. Consider a case when all modules are on a slow media (such as
a floppy or zipfs) - then putting things in subdirs adds quite significant
overhead to load/ls/search due to pathname lookups.

Andrzej Bialecki

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