D. Rock wrote:
> This is what I also thought. But how do I turn off write caching on IDE
> disks. I know how to do on SCSI bit (mode page 8 byte 2 bit 2 clear), but
> I have absolutely no clue how this can be achieved on IDE disks.
> I normally turn off write caching on all drives I install. The drive shouldn't
> shuffle the carefully sorted file system blocks.

Some BIOSes have an APM setting that forces a delay before turning
the power supply off.

-- JMA
José Mª Alcaide                         | mailto:j...@we.lc.ehu.es
Universidad del País Vasco              | http://www.we.lc.ehu.es/~jose
Dpto. de Electricidad y Electrónica     |
Facultad de Ciencias - Campus de Lejona | Tel.:  +34-946012479
48940 Lejona (Vizcaya) - SPAIN          | Fax:   +34-944858139
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