On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, John Fieber wrote:

> Lets not forget that with the latest round of changes, the
> rc.conf in 3.1 will behave exactly as it has in the past.  Think
> about it.  rc.conf was a "touchees" file in the past and it is a
> "touchees" file now.  The only difference is the addition of a
> "no touchees" reference copy in /etc/defaults that gets sourced
> before rc.conf so any essential variables introduced in an
> upgrade will have a safety fallaback in case you don't properly
> upgrade your rc.conf.

If /etc/rc.conf only contains changes from the defaults when 
man something_or_other tells the user to find and edit
something_or_other_flags in /etc/rc.conf the entry won't be
there to edit.

Jack O'Neill                    Systems Administrator / Systems Analyst
j...@germanium.xtalwind.net     Crystal Wind Communications, Inc.
          Finger j...@germanium.xtalwind.net for my PGP key.
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