Alex Zepeda wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Chuck Robey wrote:
>> When Satoshi builds stuff, it's in a real clean environment, but in
>> fact, all the gnome and kde ports are extraordinarly sensitive to
>> stuff from older ports hanging around.  That's why folks are wary of
>> upgrading those guys.
> That's news to me.  Perhaps the ports are poorly designed or whathaveyou,
> but I can't imagine what "older ports" the kde ports are so sensitive to.

Here's the deal.  The KDE and gnome ports both have many dependencies
on other ports, mainly shared libraries.  Some of those may in
turn depend on still other ports.  In any case, it's a complicated
dependency graph with a lot of nodes.

Everything works fine for the initial installation.  But now 3 months
later you want to upgrade to the new version.  About the only reliable
way to do that is to manually track down all the dependencies,
pkg_delete every one of them, and then make install in the KDE or
gnome port.  Otherwise you end up with a hodge-podge of new ports and
old dependencies, and they don't play together nicely.

  John Polstra                                     
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Self-interest is the aphrodisiac of belief."           -- James V. DeLong

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