On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 02:34:51PM -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> And you didn't know that the RIP spec is even older, and was publicly
> available via an RFC (the same as OSPF?)

But, of course, RIP sucks in many well-known ways.

> I can't quite figure why they stuck the word "open" in there, because it
> couldn't possibly be more open than RIP.

I thought the "open" referred to the algorithm -- i.e. "shortest open path
first" would be a synonym. I have no reason to think this, though. I could
well be wrong, and probably am.

> >     OSPF has been around for a long time.
> But RIP is older, and was the first routing scheme.

X.25 is older than IP, which clearly makes it better in all circumstances.


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