Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, Bush Doctor wrote:
> > Again my libRSAglue libraries before the above were:
> >> ls -l /usr/lib/libR*
> > -r--r--r--   1 root     wheel         810 Feb 28 22:28 /usr/lib/libRSAglue.a
> > lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     wheel          15 Jan 29 07:29 /usr/lib/ -> 
> > -r--r--r--   1 root     wheel        5872 Jan 29 07:29 /usr/lib/
> > -r--r--r--   1 root     wheel         868 Feb 28 22:28 /usr/lib/libRSAglue_p.a
> This was very helpful - I've been able to replicate the problem by install
> an old libRSAglue of this vintage. It still doesn't answer why on earth
> make world is trying to link with it, but at least now I have something to
> look at. Thanks!

I looked into this problem a bit as well.

I believe it is a build order and dependency problem that shouldn't
exist.  libkrb is built before libRSAglue and then the shared library is
built with -LRSAglue which is only found in /usr/lib. 
kerberosIV/ has a line "LDADD+= -LRSAglue".

This whole issue should not exist simply because libRSAglue is a dummy
stub and there is no reson to link anything against it.  The quick fix
is to remove libRSAglue from the makefiles where it is used.  The
following makefiles need to have the references to RSAglue removed:


I don't know how to change ld (compile time?) so that it doesn't look in
the standard locations for files during buildworld.  That is what is
required to guarantee this problem doesn't happen again.

Kris, would you like patches or will you edit these yourself?

Jim Bloom

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