Out of da blue Jim Bloom aka ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
> Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, Bush Doctor wrote:
> > 
> > > Again my libRSAglue libraries before the above were:
> > > bantu.cl.msu.edu:dervish> ls -l /usr/lib/libR*
> > > -r--r--r--   1 root     wheel         810 Feb 28 22:28 /usr/lib/libRSAglue.a
> > > lrwxr-xr-x   1 root     wheel          15 Jan 29 07:29 /usr/lib/libRSAglue.so -> 
> > > -r--r--r--   1 root     wheel        5872 Jan 29 07:29 /usr/lib/libRSAglue.so.1
> > > -r--r--r--   1 root     wheel         868 Feb 28 22:28 /usr/lib/libRSAglue_p.a
> > 
> > This was very helpful - I've been able to replicate the problem by install
> > an old libRSAglue of this vintage. It still doesn't answer why on earth
> > make world is trying to link with it, but at least now I have something to
> > look at. Thanks!
> I looked into this problem a bit as well.
> I believe it is a build order and dependency problem that shouldn't
> exist.  libkrb is built before libRSAglue and then the shared library is
> built with -LRSAglue which is only found in /usr/lib. 
> kerberosIV/Makefile.inc has a line "LDADD+= -LRSAglue".
> This whole issue should not exist simply because libRSAglue is a dummy
> stub and there is no reson to link anything against it.  The quick fix
> is to remove libRSAglue from the makefiles where it is used.  The
> following makefiles need to have the references to RSAglue removed:
Hmmm ..., I just helped a co-worker upgrade from -release to -current
and he ran into a problem where 'make buildworld' failed in building
Kerberos IV.  I seem to recall a similiar problem a few weeks back on my
-current box.  I wound up commenting out the kerberos IV build in make.conf,
performed a 'make buildworld' and 'make installworld' without kerberos IV,
and rebuilt world afterwards with kerberos IV enabled.  I really must be 
more proactive in reporting -current hiccups I come across :(

Unfortunately, my co-worker has already overwritten the buildworld log :(

> usr.sbin/ppp/Makefile
> usr.sbin/pppd/Makefile
> secure/libexec/sshd/Makefile
> kerberosIV/Makefile.inc
> I don't know how to change ld (compile time?) so that it doesn't look in
> the standard locations for files during buildworld.  That is what is
> required to guarantee this problem doesn't happen again.
> Kris, would you like patches or will you edit these yourself?
> Jim Bloom

f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgrmmng.

bush doctor

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