Eitan Adler wrote:
        set filec
-       set history = 100
-       set savehist = 100
+       set history = 10000
+       set savehist = 10000

Just why not (10000 merge)?

+       set autolist
+       # Use history to aid expansion
+       set autoexpand
        set mail = (/var/mail/$USER)
        if ( $?tcsh ) then
                bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word
                bindkey -k up history-search-backward
                bindkey -k down history-search-forward
+       set prompt = "[%n@%m]%c04%# "
+       set promptchars = "%#"

I'm fully against changing promptchars, that's pointless. Including more useful data in prompt is good anyway, but why any [] around? I think everything should be just a little more descriptive, like:

set prompt = "%n@%m %c04%m%# "

Sphinx of black quartz judge my vow.
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