On 2/10/2012 10:41 AM, Gavin Atkinson wrote:
On Fri, 2012-02-10 at 11:25 -0500, Eitan Adler wrote:
Picking a random email to reply to.

My goal with this email is to reduce the amount of "controversial" changes.
I applaud this.  I've often considered doing the same but avoided it
because it was easier than fighting the bikeshed :)

commit 3ea4ea3a59d14cb060244618dd89d7dd0170bee1
diff --git a/etc/root/dot.cshrc b/etc/root/dot.cshrc
--- a/etc/root/dot.cshrc
+++ b/etc/root/dot.cshrc
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@

  alias h                history 25
  alias j                jobs -l
-alias la       ls -a
+alias la       ls -aF
  alias lf       ls -FA
-alias ll       ls -lA
+alias ll       ls -lAF
+alias ls       ls -F

Two people didn't like these changes but didn't explain why. This is
incredibly helpful, especially for a new user.  If you dislike the
alias change please explain what bothers you about it?
I don't use the first two aliases, so I don't care about them at all.  I
do however disagree strongly with changing the default options on such a
widely used command.

This change is disruptive, and it can affect use of ls(1) in scripts.
For example, it even sticks the extra characters in the output of
"ls -1" (the number 1), which is specifically designed to be used when
piping the output elsewhere.  Please do not break this.  It is also
distracting - If I want to see what type of file a particular entry is,
why not just run "ls -l"?

It's like the tendency some Linux distributions have of
"alias mv mv -i", although that can at least be overridden on the
command line with "-f".  The "ls -F" change cannot be overridden without

  if ($?prompt) then
        # An interactive shell -- set some stuff up
-       set prompt = "`/bin/hostname -s`# "
+       set prompt = "[%n@%m]%c04%# "
+       set promptchars = "%#"

Many people had alternative suggestions for the prompt. Can you please
clarify why you believe your prompt should be the _default_ one?
I can't comment as I didn't say my suggestion should be default - but
for me the above isn't a bad choice.  I would however prefer:
set prompt = "%n@%m:%c04 %# "
and not
set prompt = "[%n@%m]%c04%# "

as that then gives you user@host:path in exactly the same format as you
need to use with scp, etc.

I use the $HOME/bin on my machines but I am not so sure to make this a general 
Many people expect it, and given that it is the last item in the path
it won't affect all that much.
It's been in there forever.  I think this should stay, it would just be
too disruptive otherwise.

My $0.02

Instead of using -F to denote filetypes, why not use colors? -G -- it shouldnt affect scripts at all, yet still provide the same sort of feedback. (Tho, I personally use csh's built-in "ls-F" instead of "ls", and actually tend to alias it to ls as well.)

Just a thought.

I do, however, like most of the other changes. Here's my stamp. "Approved" :)

Chuck Burns
The Southern Libertarian (owner/editor)

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