On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 03:18:45AM +0100, Thomas Köllmann wrote:
> | Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but can the pentium optimisations be used
> | for AMD K6 processors?
> I did a `make world' yesterday with 
>         CFLAGS=         -O2 -pipe -march=pentium
>         COPTFLAGS=      -O2 -pipe -march=pentium
> If it doesn't I'll probably try `-03 -pipe -march=pentium' come next

What are people hoping to get by doing this?  Are you actually doing a
scientific performance evaluation between the various optimization
options???  Are are people just being macho, and thinking they are
getting all this non-existent performance increase?  

"-O" is the only globally safe optimization on FreeBSD.  -O2, etc..
causes various problems for various people in various ports, and parts of
/usr/src/.  If people are using these options just for fun, that is fine,
BUT if you experience *any* problems with compiling using -O2, etc..
don't bug this list -- go bug the GCC people.

-- David    ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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