> I've found the easiest way to wedge the box is to perform a 'cvs up'
> (not cvsup) from a local repository over /usr/src or /usr/ports, this
> would always lockup my box with amr, if you have the time and disk
> space that would be a much better stressor than just make world.

I have done a cvs update on the whole root tree, well, the repository was 
the default (certainly not local, but I'd say I have fairly decent 
connectivity, and there was quite some stress on the drive).

I had also done something that should be comparable. I had the initial system
on a disk on my Adaptec controller, and as the first stress test I copied over
the whole system (~13GB) with dump | restore to the raid (so, /usr/src and
/usr/ports were included there). And, I just unpacked X11R6.4 sources, which
also caused quite a bit of stress. Still running :)

Might have to add I've enabled softdeps on all partitions, this could change
the usage pattern slightly (don't know whether to the better or worse regarding
crash likelyhood).

About my source tree: I tried some other changes before, and some of them are 
still in my sources (and were not in the included diff). Since those changes 
by themselves didn't make a difference, I didn't include them. However, if 
someone should still get crashes with just the minimal diffs, I can include 
the complete diffs to fully reproduce my sources.

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