> Can you try instead the changes that I just committed to -current?  I 
> think that the problem shows up when the controller is heavily loaded; 
> your patch will keep the load on the controller down, which may mask the 
> 'real' bug.

I tried your approach (that was what I described with "fiddling with DELAY").
I even went even further to clear that loop, but it didn't help. This is 
what I currently still have in there from these experiments:

/* from linux: The "volatile" is due to gcc bugs */
#define barrier() __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory")

for (i = 10000, done = 0, worked = 0; (i > 0) && !done; i--) {
        s = splbio();

        /* is the mailbox free? */
        if (sc->amr_mailbox->mb_busy == 0) {
            debug("got mailbox");
            sc->amr_mailbox64->mb64_segment = 0;
            bcopy(&ac->ac_mailbox, sc->amr_mailbox, AMR_MBOX_CMDSIZE);
            done = 1;
            TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sc->amr_work, ac, ac_link);

            /* not free, try to clean up while we wait */
        } else {
            debug("busy flag %x\n", sc->amr_mailbox->mb_busy);
            /* don't do this in here for now, it involves talking to the
             * controller to see whether there's work done, and since we
             * just saw that the controller is somewhat busy, that's perhaps
             * not such a good idea? */
            /* worked += amr_done(sc); */


    /* check here for work to be done */
    s = splbio();
    worked += amr_done(sc);

This did *NOT* stop the controller from crashing. Ignore the comment above,
I'll take this amr_done call back up, but I just wanted to REALLY be sure
this loop wasn't the cause for the crash.

KPNQwest Switzerland Ltd
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Markus Wild, Manager Engineering, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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