On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 11:31:09PM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> On Apr 12, 2013, at 7:43 PM, Rui Paulo <rpa...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> > On 2013/04/11, at 13:18, Gleb Smirnoff <gleb...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> > 
> >> Lack of maintainer in a near future would lead to bitrot due to changes
> >> in other areas of network stack, kernel APIs, etc. This already happens,
> >> many changes during 10.0-CURRENT cycle were only compile tested wrt
> >> ipfilter. If we fail to find maintainer, then a correct decision would be
> >> to remove ipfilter(4) from the base system before 10.0-RELEASE.
> > 
> > This has been discussed in the past. Every time someone came up and said 
> > "I'm still using ipfilter!" and the idea to remove it dies with it. 
> > I've been saying we should remove it for 4 years now. Not only it's 
> > outdated but it also doesn't not fit well in the FreeBSD roadmap. Then 
> > there's the question of maintainability. We gave the author a commit bit so 
> > that he could maintain it. That doesn't happen anymore and it sounds like 
> > he has since moved away from FreeBSD. I cannot find any reason to burden 
> > another FreeBSD developer with maintaining ipfilter.
> > 
> One thing that FreeBSD is bad about (and this really applies to many open 
> source projects) when deprecating something is that the developer and release 
> engineering groups rarely provide adequate, if any, tools to help users 
> transition and cope with the deprecation.  The fear of deprecation can be 
> largely overcome by giving these users a clear and comprehensive path 
> forward.  Just announcing "ipfilter is going away.  EOM" is inadequate and 
> leads to completely justified complaints from users.
> So with that said, would it be possible to write some tutorials on how to 
> migrate an ipfilter installation to pf?  Maybe some mechanical syntax docs 
> accompanied by a few case studies?  Is it possible for a script to automate 
> some of the common mechanical changes?  Also essential is a clear document on 
> what goes away with ipfilter and what is gained with pf.  Once those tools 
> are written, I suggest announcing that ipfilter is available but 
> deprecated/unsupported in FreeBSD 10, and will be removed from FreeBSD 11.  
> Certain people will still pitch a fit about it departing, but if the tools 
> are there to help the common users, you'll be successful in winning mindshare 
> and general support.

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