Somewhere between r340491 and r340650, probably starting from r340595,
my ThinkPad W550s started spewing these messages repeatedly in the
system log since boot:

Nov 20 09:35:19 ardmore kernel: ACPI Error: No handler for Region [ECOR]
(0xfffff80003662300) [EmbeddedControl] (20181031/evregion-288)
Nov 20 09:35:19 ardmore kernel: ACPI Error: Region EmbeddedControl
(ID=3) has no handler (20181031/exfldio-428)
Nov 20 09:35:19 ardmore kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution
failed \_SB.PCI0.LPC.EC.BAT1._BST, AE_NOT_EXIST (20181031/psparse-677)

As a result, I am now unable to query battery information at the very
least. r340490 is my last built revision with this working.

Charlie Li
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