On 12.05.2021 13:01, Henri Hennebert via freebsd-current wrote:

It would be fine if you can test the driver with dev.rtsx.0.inversion=1 in 
loader.conf and see it it solve the problem.
the output of
sysctl dev.rtsx  and
kenv | grep smbios.system
would be useful

BTW is a dummy card inserted in the SD slot?

Thank for your time

 My T540p:

 (1) rtsx in the kernel, enabled in BIOS, no settings in loader.conf, EMPTY 
SLOT — panic on boot, typically WITHOUT rtsx in stack trace.

 (2) rtsx in the kernel, enabled in BIOS, no settings in loader.conf, SD CARD 
IN THE SLOT — no panic on boot, but WiFi card detected
     too late for startup scripts to run wpa_supplicant properly.

 (3) rtsx in the kernel, enabled in BIOS, "dev.rtsx.0.inversion=1", SD CARD IN 
THE SLOT — no panic on boot, but WiFi card detected
     too late for startup scripts to run wpa_supplicant properly. And card 
reporting is inverted related to real deal: rtsx0
     reports "Card present" when I remove card and vice versa.

 (4) rtsx in the kernel, disabled in BIOS — device not found, everything (but SD 
reader) boots & works (as expected!)

 (5) rtsx in the kernel, enabled in BIOS, "dev.rtsx.0.inversion=1", EMPTY SLOT — boots, but prints 
out "timeout for CMD8/55/1" for very long time and *console*is*not*accessible* till "no 
compatible cards found on bus".
     ALSO (!) wifi card is found only AFTER all these timeouts, when startup 
scripts are FAILED to attach to wireless network (!!!).
     ALSO (!) it says "Card Absent" when I *INSERT* card after boot, and "Card present" 
(+ a lot of timeouts again) when I *REMOVE* card, looks like this "inversion" is wrong for my 
     So, it boots, but practically unusable.

 (6) rtsx in the kernel, enabled in BIOS, "dev.rtsx.0.inversion=1", SD CARD IN 

 (7) rtsx is loaded as module after boot (manually, from console), enabled in 
BIOS, no setting in loader.conf — looks to work properly.
     Card could be mounted, read/write, it works.

 (9) rtsx is loaded as module after boot (manually, from console), enabled in BIOS, 
"dev.rtsx.0.inversion=1" — don't panic, but thinks wrong about card state (Card 
Present/Absent is inverted, as instructed).

 My theory: rtsx detect/attach code has some race conditions / incompatibilities for multi-core 
boot when card is not present, and it thrash kernel memory and/or block something on boot. 
"inversion" removes this bad behavior due to waiting for card commands (as with 
"inversion" it thinks card is here and try to access it).

 See (2), (3) and (4) — when rtsx doesn't cause panic on boot, it still mangle 
other devices detection & initialization.

 I could provide any additional information. Unfortunately, memory dump of 
panic-on-boot is impossible :-(

// Lev Serebryakov
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