Ed Maste wrote:
> The smbfs(5) filesystem supports only the obsolete SMBv1 protocol, and
> I propose removing it for FreeBSD 14. I know the CHERI folks have been
> using it but they plan to migrate away from it. It was broken for
> months before they fixed it, so I suspect nobody is using it on
> contemporary releases.
> I have review D32707 (https://reviews.freebsd.org/D32707) open to add
> this deprecation notice to the man page:
>      The smbfs filesystem driver supports only the obsolete SMBv1 protocol.
>      smbfs and userspace counterparts smbutil(1) and mount_smbfs(8) are not
>      present in FreeBSD 14 and above.  Users are advised to evaluate the
>      sysutils/fusefs-smbnetfs port instead.
> A similar notice would be added to the smbutil and mount_smbfs man
> pages, and manu@ suggested having the userland utilities emit a
> warning when they are used.
> I am interested in comments, objections, or reports that anyone is in
> fact using smbfs.

I thought I'd mention the SMB client in illumos which is originally
based on FreeBSD one, imported and enhanced by Apple, then imported by
Sun, and finally updated to support SMB2/SMB3 in illumos.  It has a lot
of CDDL code now, but as ZFS shows it's not really a stopper.

ISTR there is (was?) also an Apple SMB client (based on FreeBSD)
somewhere on their "opensource" site.

Just saying that there are other options if someone(TM) is interested in
doing the work.

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