Up until now you are the only one with this error on the mailinglist today. So I doubt something is borked. You could consider to share more details about your setup to help people to think along with you.

Nothing remotely interesting.

I managed to boot kernel.old from the boot loader and reverted to :

root@phobos:/usr/src #
root@phobos:/usr/src # uname -apKU
FreeBSD phobos 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #4 main-n253712-0784121c963: Fri Mar 11 03:59:31 UTC 2022 root@phobos:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC amd64 amd64 1400053 1400053
root@phobos:/usr/src #

Where the zpool is the lone NVME device in this Lenovo laptop :

root@phobos:/usr/src # zpool status
  pool: c3
 state: ONLINE
status: Some supported and requested features are not enabled on the pool.
        The pool can still be used, but some features are unavailable.
action: Enable all features using 'zpool upgrade'. Once this is done,
the pool may no longer be accessible by software that does not support
        the features. See zpool-features(7) for details.

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        c3          ONLINE       0     0     0
          nvd0p4    ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
root@phobos:/usr/src #

That is an interesting message about the zpool there.

So zpool upgrade -v says :

root@phobos:/usr/src #
root@phobos:/usr/src # zpool upgrade -v
This system supports ZFS pool feature flags.

The following features are supported:

async_destroy                         (read-only compatible)
     Destroy filesystems asynchronously.
empty_bpobj                           (read-only compatible)
     Snapshots use less space.
     LZ4 compression algorithm support.
     Crash dumps to multiple vdev pools.
spacemap_histogram                    (read-only compatible)
     Spacemaps maintain space histograms.
enabled_txg                           (read-only compatible)
     Record txg at which a feature is enabled
     Retain hole birth txg for more precise zfs send
     Enhanced dataset functionality, used by other features.
     Blocks which compress very well use even less space.
bookmarks                             (read-only compatible)
     "zfs bookmark" command
filesystem_limits                     (read-only compatible)
     Filesystem and snapshot limits.
     Support for blocks larger than 128KB.
     Variable on-disk size of dnodes.
     SHA-512/256 hash algorithm.
     Skein hash algorithm.
     Edon-R hash algorithm.
userobj_accounting                    (read-only compatible)
     User/Group object accounting.
     Support for dataset level encryption
project_quota                         (read-only compatible)
     space/object accounting based on project ID.
     Top-level vdevs can be removed, reducing logical pool size.
obsolete_counts                       (read-only compatible)
Reduce memory used by removed devices when their blocks are freed or remapped.
zpool_checkpoint                      (read-only compatible)
     Pool state can be checkpointed, allowing rewind later.
spacemap_v2                           (read-only compatible)
     Space maps representing large segments are more efficient.
allocation_classes                    (read-only compatible)
     Support for separate allocation classes.
resilver_defer                        (read-only compatible)
     Support for deferring new resilvers when one is already running.
     Support for larger bookmarks
Support for bookmarks which store redaction lists for zfs redacted send/recv.
Support for redacted datasets, produced by receiving a redacted zfs send stream.
Additional accounting, enabling the written#<bookmark> property (space written since a bookmark), and estimates of send stream sizes for incrementals from bookmarks.
log_spacemap                          (read-only compatible)
     Log metaslab changes on a single spacemap and flush them periodically.
livelist                              (read-only compatible)
     Improved clone deletion performance.
device_rebuild                        (read-only compatible)
     Support for sequential mirror/dRAID device rebuilds
     zstd compression algorithm support.
     Support for distributed spare RAID
zilsaxattr                            (read-only compatible)
     Support for xattr=sa extended attribute logging in ZIL.

The following legacy versions are also supported:

---  --------------------------------------------------------
 1   Initial ZFS version
 2   Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
 3   Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
 4   zpool history
 5   Compression using the gzip algorithm
 6   bootfs pool property
 7   Separate intent log devices
 8   Delegated administration
 9   refquota and refreservation properties
 10  Cache devices
 11  Improved scrub performance
 12  Snapshot properties
 13  snapused property
 14  passthrough-x aclinherit
 15  user/group space accounting
 16  stmf property support
 17  Triple-parity RAID-Z
 18  Snapshot user holds
 19  Log device removal
 20  Compression using zle (zero-length encoding)
 21  Deduplication
 22  Received properties
 23  Slim ZIL
 24  System attributes
 25  Improved scrub stats
 26  Improved snapshot deletion performance
 27  Improved snapshot creation performance
 28  Multiple vdev replacements

For more information on a particular version, including supported releases,
see the ZFS Administration Guide.

root@phobos:/usr/src #

Where the zpool version info says :

root@phobos:/usr/src #
root@phobos:/usr/src # zpool version
root@phobos:/usr/src #

A zfs list shows the usual stuff :

root@phobos:/usr/src # zfs list -o name,used,avail,usedbysnapshots,mounted,mountpoint
c3                120G   326G      808K  yes      /c3
c3/ROOT          44.6G   326G        0B  no       none
c3/ROOT/default  44.6G   326G     40.1G  yes      /
c3/opt           13.6M   326G     3.17M  yes      /opt
c3/tmp           2.59M   326G     2.48M  yes      /tmp
c3/usr           75.0G   326G        0B  no       /usr
c3/usr/home      2.21G   326G      126M  yes      /usr/home
c3/usr/obj       63.4G   326G     52.8G  yes      /usr/obj
c3/usr/ports     2.34G   326G      561M  yes      /usr/ports
c3/usr/src       7.05G   326G     4.88G  yes      /usr/src
c3/var           14.8M   326G        0B  no       /var
c3/var/audit      944K   326G      848K  yes      /var/audit
c3/var/crash      544K   326G      448K  yes      /var/crash
c3/var/log       7.76M   326G     6.80M  yes      /var/log
c3/var/mail      2.35M   326G     2.07M  yes      /var/mail
c3/var/tmp       3.16M   326G     3.03M  yes      /var/tmp
root@phobos:/usr/src #

All filesystems are compressed with a sha512 checksum everywhere.
I am using zstd compression but nothing oddball :

root@phobos:/usr/src # zfs list -o name,used,avail,compression,mounted,mountpoint
c3                120G   326G  lz4             yes      /c3
c3/ROOT          44.6G   326G  lz4             no       none
c3/ROOT/default  44.6G   326G  lz4             yes      /
c3/opt           13.6M   326G  zstd            yes      /opt
c3/tmp           2.59M   326G  lz4             yes      /tmp
c3/usr           75.0G   326G  lz4             no       /usr
c3/usr/home      2.21G   326G  lz4             yes      /usr/home
c3/usr/obj       63.4G   326G  on              yes      /usr/obj
c3/usr/ports     2.34G   326G  lz4             yes      /usr/ports
c3/usr/src       7.05G   326G  lz4             yes      /usr/src
c3/var           14.8M   326G  lz4             no       /var
c3/var/audit      944K   326G  lz4             yes      /var/audit
c3/var/crash      544K   326G  lz4             yes      /var/crash
c3/var/log       7.76M   326G  lz4             yes      /var/log
c3/var/mail      2.35M   326G  lz4             yes      /var/mail
c3/var/tmp       3.16M   326G  lz4             yes      /var/tmp
root@phobos:/usr/src #

There are some snapshots on all filesystems :

root@phobos:/usr/src # zfs list -o name,used,avail,usedbysnapshots,mounted,mountpoint -t all -r c3/var/tmp
c3/var/tmp                 3.16M   326G     3.03M  yes      /var/tmp
c3/var/tmp@20211209104512    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20211209105732    68K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20211209110035    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20211226221122    68K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220117113614    92K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220118005539    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220118005944    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220120090537    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220121024902    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220121031721    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220121033412    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220121035649    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220121040118    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220121042929    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220130114038    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220130115954    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220130121000    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220226222228    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220227211856    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220228045355    92K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220228180052    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220228181542    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220302194101    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220306070845    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220306080502    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220306215850    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220306220437    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220306221245    76K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220307003647    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220310144525    92K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220311030047    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220311044203    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220311044643    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220311163309    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220316134056    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220316160003    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220318012900    84K      -         -  -        -
c3/var/tmp@20220410063610    84K      -         -  -        -
root@phobos:/usr/src #

Not sure what else to say.

Dennis Clarke
UNIX and Linux spoken
GreyBeard and suspenders optional

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