On 4/11/22 14:18, Ronald Klop wrote:
On 4/11/22 17:17, Dennis Clarke wrote:

Did the usual git pull origin main and buildworld/buildkernel but after installkernel the machine will not boot.

The rev seems to be main-n254654-d4e8207317c.

I can boot single user mode and get a command prompt but nothing past
that. Is there something borked in ZFS in CURRENT ?

Up until now you are the only one with this error on the mailinglist today. So I doubt something is borked. You could consider to share more details about your setup to help people to think along with you.

I can confirm this issue. My last update was 'main-n253996-1b3af110bc' from March 31, 2022 that worked fine. My update yesterday received the same error and refused to boot past looking for kernel modules. I did receive the "no pools available to import" message a couple of lines earlier. My hardware is a Dell Inspiron laptop with a SSD and ZFS filesystem. I have a little time today and plan on git reverting back to March 31 to further isolate the problem.


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