On 4/13/22 07:17, Thomas Laus wrote:

I had an idea that maybe a GELI encrypted disk may have an issue.  Both my laptop and desktop have encrypted disks.  The gpart partitions have a .efi appended to the name that 'gpart list' shows.  Not everyone uses GELI and that may be our difference and the reason for not finding any pools to import.

Well, it looks like EFI may be the root cause of my problem. I built and loaded:

14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #0 main-n254879-47bcbde91de: Mon Apr 18 08:18:48 EDT 2022

Today for both my laptop and desktop. I gave up last week with the 'git revert' exercise and just waited a week since my last build. The problem with not finding any zfs pools still existed. Both computers can boot from either EFI or MBR, so I copied the gptzfsboot file to the EFI partition and everything came up OK on both computers. That eliminates any issue with ZFS and GELI encrypted disks in my case.


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