> On 23. Apr 2022, at 02:24, Gleb Smirnoff <gleb...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>  Michael,
> On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 01:54:25AM +0200, Michael Tuexen wrote:
> M> > here is a patch that should help with the IPv6 problem. I'm not
> M> > yet committing it, it might be not final.
> M> 
> M> when I was looking at the code, I was also wondering if it would make
> M> more sense to check for M_LOOP.
> M> 
> M> However, isn't the rcvif wrong for the first two received packets? I
> M> would expect it always to be the loopback interface. Is that expectation
> M> wrong?
> The IPv6 has a special feature of calling (ifp->if_output)(origifp, ...
> I don't fully understand it, but Alexander does.
> What I can observe is that it works differently for the original packet,
> its first retransmit and second retransmit. Still unclear to me why.
I consider this also strange. The three packets are identical.
So I would expect, that all of these are handled the same way.
> Here is how to observe it:
> dtrace
>    -n 'fbt::ip6_output:entry
>    { printf("ro %p ifp %p\n", args[2], args[2]->ro_nh ? 
> args[2]->ro_nh->nh_ifp : 0); }'
>    -n 'fbt::ip6_output_send:entry { printf("ifp %p origifp %p\n", args[1], 
> args[2]); }'
> And you will see this:
>  1  45625                 ip6_output:entry ro fffff800122c19a0 ifp 0
>  1  22539            ip6_output_send:entry ifp fffff800027cb800 origifp 
> fffff800020db000
>  0  45625                 ip6_output:entry ro fffff800122c19a0 ifp 
> fffff800027cb800
>  0  22539            ip6_output_send:entry ifp fffff800027cb800 origifp 
> fffff800020db000
>  0  45625                 ip6_output:entry ro fffff800122c19a0 ifp 
> fffff800027cb800
>  0  22539            ip6_output_send:entry ifp fffff800027cb800 origifp 
> fffff800027cb800
> So, on packet three (second retransmit) the origifp is equal to ifp (is lo0) 
> and now
> packet passes validation. However, the more I read it, the more it seems to 
> me that
> actually packet three is incorrect and first two are correct :)
> To cope with this self inflicted damage of (ifp->if_output)(origifp, IPV6 
> introduced
> M_LOOP and uses it internally. Looks like a quick solution for IPv6 is to use 
> it.
> However, I will commit it only once we got understanding why the hell a 
> second retransmit
> is different.
> M> I also have an additional question:
> M> Why is this check protected by an (ia != NULL) condition? It does not make
> M> any use of ia?
> It is a host protection feature, so checks only packets that are destined to 
> us.
> This allows to do basic antispoof checks for a host not equipped with any 
> firewall.
Understood. I was confused, since all other code protected by (ia != NULL) 
depends on ia not being the NULL pointer.

Best regards
> For a machine acting as a router better behavior is not to drop anything 
> routed
> through unless explicitly told so by a filtering policy.
> -- 
> Gleb Smirnoff

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