Hey all,

With the recent changes to ncurses in base, I'm getting a bunch of
messages (snippet below) on every single new PTY. Every time I open a
new window in tmux or login via ssh, I'm getting spammed with a flood
of messages like below.

==== BEGIN LOG ====
Name collision 'tvi950-b' between
        tvi950-b|bare tvi950 no is
and     tvi950-b|bare tvi950 no is
...now  bare tvi950 no is     
Cannot remove alias 'bare tvi950 no is'
Name collision 'tvi950-ns' between
        tvi950-ns|tvi950 w/no standout
and     tvi950-ns|tvi950 w/no standout   
...now  tvi950 w/no standout  
Cannot remove alias 'tvi950 w/no standout'
Name collision 'tvi925' between
        tvi925|925|televideo model 925
and     tvi925|925|televideo model 925
...now  925|televideo model 925
...now  televideo model 925   
Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925'
Name collision 'tvi925vb' between
        tvi925vb|925vb|televideo model 925 visual bells
and     tvi925vb|925vb|televideo model 925 visual bells
...now  925vb|televideo model 925 visual bells
...now  televideo model 925 visual bells   
Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925 visual bells'
Name collision 'tvi925n' between                                                
        tvi925n|925n|televideo model 925 no standout or underline
and     tvi925n|925n|televideo model 925 no standout or underline
...now  925n|televideo model 925 no standout or underline
...now  televideo model 925 no standout or underline
Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925 no standout or underline'
Name collision 'tvi925vbn' between
        tvi925vbn|925vbn|televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
and     tvi925vbn|925vbn|televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
...now  925vbn|televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
...now  televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul'
Name collision '925a' between
        925a|tvi925a|TeleVideo Model 925
and     925a|tvi925a|TeleVideo Model 925
...now  tvi925a|TeleVideo Model 925
...now  TeleVideo Model 925 
Cannot remove alias 'TeleVideo Model 925'
Name collision 'tvi950' between                                                 
and     tvi950|950|televideo950                                                 
...now  950|televideo950                                                        
...now  televideo950                                                            
Cannot remove alias 'televideo950'
==== END LOG ====


Shawn Webb
Cofounder / Security Engineer

Tor-ified Signal: +1 303-901-1600 / shawn_webb_opsec.50

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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