On Fri 21 Jun 15:23, Shawn Webb wrote:
> Hey all,
> With the recent changes to ncurses in base, I'm getting a bunch of
> messages (snippet below) on every single new PTY. Every time I open a
> new window in tmux or login via ssh, I'm getting spammed with a flood
> of messages like below.
> ==== BEGIN LOG ====
> Name collision 'tvi950-b' between
>         tvi950-b|bare tvi950 no is
> and     tvi950-b|bare tvi950 no is
> ...now  bare tvi950 no is     
> Cannot remove alias 'bare tvi950 no is'
> Name collision 'tvi950-ns' between
>         tvi950-ns|tvi950 w/no standout
> and     tvi950-ns|tvi950 w/no standout   
> ...now  tvi950 w/no standout  
> Cannot remove alias 'tvi950 w/no standout'
> Name collision 'tvi925' between
>         tvi925|925|televideo model 925
> and     tvi925|925|televideo model 925
> ...now  925|televideo model 925
> ...now  televideo model 925   
> Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925'
> Name collision 'tvi925vb' between
>         tvi925vb|925vb|televideo model 925 visual bells
> and     tvi925vb|925vb|televideo model 925 visual bells
> ...now  925vb|televideo model 925 visual bells
> ...now  televideo model 925 visual bells   
> Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925 visual bells'
> Name collision 'tvi925n' between                                              
>         tvi925n|925n|televideo model 925 no standout or underline
> and     tvi925n|925n|televideo model 925 no standout or underline
> ...now  925n|televideo model 925 no standout or underline
> ...now  televideo model 925 no standout or underline
> Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925 no standout or underline'
> Name collision 'tvi925vbn' between
>         tvi925vbn|925vbn|televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
> and     tvi925vbn|925vbn|televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
> ...now  925vbn|televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
> ...now  televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul
> Cannot remove alias 'televideo model 925 visual bells no so or ul'
> Name collision '925a' between
>         925a|tvi925a|TeleVideo Model 925
> and     925a|tvi925a|TeleVideo Model 925
> ...now  tvi925a|TeleVideo Model 925
> ...now  TeleVideo Model 925 
> Cannot remove alias 'TeleVideo Model 925'
> Name collision 'tvi950' between                                               
>         tvi950|950|televideo950
> and     tvi950|950|televideo950                                               
> ...now  950|televideo950                                                      
> ...now  televideo950                                                          
> Cannot remove alias 'televideo950'
> ==== END LOG ====
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Shawn Webb
> Cofounder / Security Engineer
> HardenedBSD
> Tor-ified Signal: +1 303-901-1600 / shawn_webb_opsec.50
> https://git.hardenedbsd.org/hardenedbsd/pubkeys/-/raw/master/Shawn_Webb/03A4CBEBB82EA5A67D9F3853FF2E67A277F8E1FA.pub.asc

Do your sync again, this has been fixed a few hours after the ncurses 6.5


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