On 05/08/2024 18:50, Dennis Clarke wrote:
On 8/5/24 12:12, Harry Schmalzbauer wrote:

two years elapsed since I last deployed a FreeBSD machine that utilizd bhyve(8), which already had bhyve_config(5) support back then.

This may feel slightly off topic but I assure you that it is of great
benefit. Have a look at the brilliant creation of Steve Wills that I
know and love as "cirrina" :


It is very much in active development and does a neat job of handling a
pile of stuff related to bhyve. Not the least of which is the creation
and configuration and management of a whole slew of VMs. It is actively
being tested and developed and I have been using it while testing PCI
device passthru of NVidia Quadro GPUs for the purpose of CUDA dev work.

I also am motivated to write up a pile of documentation related to
cirrina given that it really does feel like a Swiss Army Knife which
can do damn near everything I ever wanted with bhyve.

I have seen cirrina some time ago. I was interested in GUI. Main page shows:

Run Clients

Start weasel
  Create switch
  Create VM
  Add Disk
  Add NIC
  Upload ISO
  Select VM, click edit, add disk, iso and nic to VM
  Start VM

But what is weasel / how can I start it? I see only cirrinad and cirrinactl.

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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