> What on *earth* are you all referring to?
> With current top of tree I get
> QUARM:253: unknown option "INVARIANT_SUPPORT"


revision 1.256
date: 2001/02/24 19:03:18;  author: jhb;  state: Exp;  lines: +2 -1
Add back in INVARIANT_SUPPORT and expand the comments in NOTES about it
to include the reasoning Eivind justifiably thwapped me over the head with.
revision 1.254
date: 2001/02/22 10:03:05;  author: jhb;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -2
Now that zerror() and SPLASSERT() have been laid to rest, INVARIANT_SUPPORT
is no longer needed.  R.I.P.

Looks like you have a tree somewhere between those two commits.

                                        Dima Dorfman
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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