:> Any updates? My quick test involving running pkg_version on a system with 92
:> installed ports, which is very make-intensive operation if ports have origin
:> recorded, as pkg_version(1) runs `make -V' for each port, shown that
:> statically-compiled make is about 15% faster than dynamically-compiled. Sound like a
:> reasonable speed gain for 100k binary size increase. What do people think?
:IFF it's only 100k difference, methink it's a no brainer. A static make is a
:good thing, if it's so good performancewise that I say go for it. pkg_version
:is quite intensive, that's for sure!
:       Andrea

    'make' is one of those programs that fork/exec's lots of copies of 
    itself, even when used without -j parallelization.  Try doing a
    'make' in virtually any ports directory, ^Z it, then do a ps and
    you will see what I mean.

    Static binaries will not only start up much more quickly then dynamic
    binaries, they actually eat *less* memory if you are running a whole
    bunch of them independantly (independantly exec'd).  Make fits this
    description to a T.  Normally I would argue against making things 
    static, I definitely do *NOT* agree with the 'system recovery' reasoning
    for making 'make' static.  But I do agree that static is much better
    with regard to all the fork/exec'ing make does.  I think making
    'make' static is a very good idea.


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