Garance A Drosihn wrote:

> At 1:49 PM -0700 8/27/01, Sean Chittenden wrote:
>>  > >    If there are grave concerns about having KSE and SMPng in
>>  > > 5.X, then why not push back the release date?  The value far
>>  > > outweighs the extra months needed to get it finished and out
>>  > > the door,   ...etc...
>>  >
>>>  Good idea.
>>     Seriously, is there any reason to hold to a time line
>> at the expense of some very important and very fundamental
>> enhancements to FreeBSD?  I suppose that's something for -core
>> to talk about/discuss, but I bet that if a poll was put on the
>> homepage of (hint hint) asking about this, you'd
>> get an overwhelming response to see KSE/SMPng in 5.X.  With a
>> poll you might even pick up some more testers given the exposure
>> (hint hint).  -sc
> We can't just keep pushing back the release date because "some
> very important enhancements" could be made.  It will ALWAYS be
> true that there are more "very important enhancements" on
> the horizon, and you can't keep running after those.  You have
> to pick some point, and stick to that point, and "ship" at that
> point.  As long as current is known to be in rapid flux, most

I'm glad you support integration of KSE then...  As I recall such threading was in the 
original design specs for 5.0, as released 
when work on 5.0 began.

ET has one helluva sense of humor!
He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!

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