On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Garance A Drosihn wrote:

> This does seem prudent to me.  We should have at least a few more
> people running these changes before they get committed to current,
> and preferably on more than the i386 platform.  If we are going to
> be serious about supporting more hardware platforms, then we have
> to start treating them more seriously when major changes like this
> come along.  If we can't get some broader testing of this done in
> the next few weeks, then the changes should probably wait until
> after "5.0".

I don't WANT to commit without more testing and more support for the other 
platforms. However I need support from the people DOING 
those platforms to go further.

I also want more people to try the patches. So far the only problem Matt
Dillon and I have seen is the re-appearance of a panic during reboot
that must be something silly I've done :-)
I'll be doing MFC's each day into P4, and keeping my patch set 
at http://www.freebsd.org/~julian/thediff
up to date. (If you have cvs access you have P4 access if you'd rather do

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