Apparently, On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 02:24:08PM +1000,
        Bruce Evans said words to the effect of;

> aout support is still required for a few things (mainly for compiling
> some boot blocks), but is broken in gcc3 for at least compile-time

Which boot blocks?

> assignments to long longs and shifts of long longs by a non-constant
> amount:
> %%%
> $ cat z.c
> long long x = 0;
> int y;
> foo()
> {
>       x = x << y;
> }
> $ cc -O -S -aout z.c
> $ cat z.s
>       .file   "z.c"
> .globl _x
>       .data
>       .p2align 3
>       .type   _x,@object
>       .size   _x,8
> _x:
>       .quad   0
>       .text
>       .p2align 2,0x90
> .globl _foo
>       .type   _foo,@function
> _foo:
>       pushl   %ebp
>       movl    %esp, %ebp
>       movb    _y, %cl
>       movl    _x, %eax
>       movl    _x+4, %edx
>       shldl   %eax, %edx
>       sall    %cl, %eax
>       testl   $32, %ecx
>       je      L2
>       movl    %eax, %edx
>       movl    $0, %eax
> L2:
>       movl    %eax, _x
>       movl    %edx, _x+4
>       leave
>       ret
> Lfe1:
>       .size   _foo,Lfe1-_foo
>       .comm    _y,4
>       .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 3.1 [FreeBSD] 20020509 (prerelease)"
> %%%
> The above assembler output has two syntax errors:
> - ".quad 0".  .quad is not supported by the old aout assembler.
> - "shldl %eax, %edx".  The old aout assembler only accepts the correct
>   syntax of "shldl %cl,%eax,%edx".  Note that gcc doesn't elide the
>   similarly implicit %cl register for the sall instruction.
> Bruce
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