On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Chris Dillon wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
> > I still would like to hear from people. I'm extremely surprised that
> > FreeBSD community seems not interested in this at all. I got very
> > few replies from few people (Julian Elischer, Terry Lambert -
> > thanks!) and that's it.
> I'm very interested, as are some other people I know, but we just
> don't have any bluetooth hardware to use yet.  Don't think people
> don't care and thanks for the good work. :-)

Yes. we are aware of the work and we are pleased that it is hapenning, but
few of us have even SEEN any bluetooth stuff yet.. 
certainly in the US it's not yet being marketted a lot.

Until it becomes more common all we can say is 
"hey FreeBSD is there ahead of the crowd" :-)

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