On Fri, Oct 04, 2002 at 12:00:06AM +0200, Ernst de Haan wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 October 2002 22:05, Juli Mallett wrote:
> [...]
> > I seem to remember a discussion with Robert Watson and myself about a year
> > ago where we discussed some sort of classy parser in libc for the MAC
> > config files, etc., and we discussed XML at some point...  Having libexpat
> > around makes it a lot easier for people who need to do config files, or
> > pass around data structures.

> I believe the decision to put expat -in a wise manner- in the base system will 
> show that FreeBSD is keeping up with major movements and that it will make 
> FreeBSD more attractive to potential users.

        Well, be careful when addressing this part of "potential users".
What I understood from this thread is that expat is being imported
to server OUR tools. The tools that lie under src/ CVS repo. Which is
an interesting move. Whatever might be our concerns/desires with XML.

        Whichever other tool in the system should depend on the
ports version, not on OUR expat.

        But that's what I understood. Actually, it's a good time
to clear this point out. :)

Mario S F Ferreira - DF - Brazil - "I guess this is a signature."
Computer Science Undergraduate | FreeBSD Committer | CS Developer
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