At 9:37 AM -0400 10/3/02, Matthew Emmerton wrote:
>  > Garance A Drosihnwrites:
>>  >I think it would be very prudent that any base-system expat have
>  > >it's own name, even if it's just "expat2fb".
>  >
>>  It sounds to me like this sums it up nicely.  The thing about it
>>  I like is that it does not prevent us from taking the other route
>>  later on, whereas putting an "official-looking" expat in the tree
>  > and yanking that later would be a mess.
>Well, playing the devil's advocate -- isn't this the type of
>discussion the preceeded the introduction of Perl into the base
>system, the introduction of which created such a mess that we
>finally took Perl out of the base system in -CURRENT?

The point is that we installed perl as 'perl - the official perl'.
We then got into trouble when new versions of perl came out, and
users argued which version should be the official one.  That is
exactly what we should try to avoid when bringing in expat2, and
why I think it should be brought in under an alternate name.

The official expat2 is not something we control.  The present
version of expat2 would be useful for parts of the base system,
but we're bringing it in *for* the base system, and not "as a
convenience for users".  Thus, let's pick a name which will not
conflict with the port.  If the name does not conflict with the
port, then we should not see the problems that we had with perl.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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