In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
: "M. Warner Losh" wrote:
: > : > This
: > : > example shows that we don't support it in printf, since the above
: > : > example does ***NOT*** give +Inf, but rather whatever 2*DBL_MAX is.
: [ ... ]
: > Terry you are wrong.  This has to do with the RANGE not the PRECISION
: > of the floating point number.  It is ***NOT*** +Inf.
: I await an explanation of how you can fit 2*DBL_MAX into a double,
: which has a range of DBL_MIN..DBL_MAX.

Look at the code.

     long double a = DBL_MAX;
     long double b = DBL_MAX * 2;

The original posting said that b would be +Inf at this point, which is
not correct.  I think that Bruce was confused there.  The more correct
example to look at was the one that rittle@ posted which was 1 +

: > : The main issue that I think is outstanding is that you can't get
: > : both exception behaviour and non-exception behaviour, and it is
: > : going to have to be the compiler's job to force the issue, because
: > : it can't dictate implementaiton to the host OS.
: > 
: > I don't follow.
: I think that a number that's a 64 bit mantissa reaised to an exponent
: N takes a larger N if you have only 53 bits of mantissa, if you want
: to represent the same value.

Nope.  The only difference between 53 bits and 64 bits of precision is
just that: precision.  The number of bits for expoentent is
independent of this.

: The obvious example in the FreeBSD case is the default value of the
: expression (fpgetprec() == FP_PE).  The compiler is not permitted to
: assume, one way or the other; it has to do runtime testing, at the
: time you compile the compiler, to comply with a completely strict
: interpretation of C99 (IMO).

This is true.  Granting, for the moment, that fpgetprec() == FP_PE
isn't a standards conforming expression.

But I think that the rest of this is going off into the weeds.  I'm
just trying to get things working in a sane way for long doubles.  It
looks like gcc 3.2 really wants the fpu to start off in FP_PE.

Before I go forward on this further, I've got a lot of testing to do
with kernels and such to find out what really works and what does (and
doesn't) break paranoia.c.


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