On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:

> Horen wrote:
> > > You stated "Typing blind starts X again".
> > >
> > > Can you tell us what you mean by this?
> > >
> > > o     It restarts X, as if you typed "startx"
> >
> > Exactly that.
> The problem is clearly in the X11 code, then, since it is not
> resetting the card to the video mode it was in before X started.
> You would do well to look at the XFree86 mailing list archives,
> since your answer is likely to be there (this is not a FreeBSD
> specific problem, if it is not happening because of FreeBSD
> specific code).
> The only possible way this could be a FreeBSD specific problem
> is if you were using, e.g., the AGP driver, and it wasn't working.
> You said it worked bofore; probably the place to start is "what
> changed betewwn 'before' and 'now'?".
> -- Terry

On FreeBSD 4.6 or 4.7 works, on FreeBSD 5.0 it doesn't work.
Don't you think it is OS related. ?

I even installed Linux RedHat 8.0 ( gcc 3.2x ) code. It works.
Only on FreeBSD 5,0 , it doesn't work.


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