Horen wrote:
> On FreeBSD 4.6 or 4.7 works, on FreeBSD 5.0 it doesn't work.
> Don't you think it is OS related. ?

THere are a lot of MS-DOS programs that won't run on FreeBSD;
I don't think that's FreeBSD-related, I think it's the code
doing the wrong things to run on FreeBSD.

> I even installed Linux RedHat 8.0 ( gcc 3.2x ) code. It works.
> Only on FreeBSD 5,0 , it doesn't work.

Have you tried running the 4.x binaries on 5.x, or are you
running different binaries?  It could be that the code is
broken in a way that exercises a complier error; 5.x uses a
different compiler than 4.x.

I would recommend you install the 4.x binaries on 5.x, rather
than running 5.x binaries.

If the binaries are exactly the same, then I will be willing
to blame the OS, even though you are one of the few persons
who are running into problems.

As far as root cause analysis goes, you've given us a report
that looks like "it doesn't work".  If you can make it so that
the only thing that has changed is the OS, then it willbe much
easier to blame the OS.

I'm still not sure that it isn't the AGP driver being different.

Have you tried an unaccelerated X server?  I'm talking "Xvga",
not just turning off the acceleration in the config file...

-- Terry

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