[ ... Objective C ... ]

Chad David wrote:
> And I thought this thread was dead :).

It just showed up in the inbox last night; it must have been stuck
in your mail server.  Sorry about that.

> I don't really feel a need to "convince".  If people are too busy (or
> just do not care) to maintain ObjC within FreeBSD, then I'll just have
> to do it locally.

That's kind of what I was implying would be the correct course
of action for a while.  8-).

> > I have gotten literally hundreds of patches into FreeBSD by
> > ignoring the FreeBSD process, and submitting the patches back
> > to the vendor from which FreeBSD obtains the code, so this is
> > a success strategy.
> Manipulation is a life stategy :).

Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't.  8-).

-- Terry

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