>> The cvs on MacOSX does not [work]. My mistake.

> From: Mike Bristow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CVS works just fine - it's just that the filesystem is case insensitive
> [1], so when you check out src/contrib, the distinction between
> src/contrib/CVS [2] src/contrib/cvs is lost, and Bad Shit happens.

Damn. I keep forgetting about the Mac OSX stupid, case-insesitive HFS+.
I HATE that! It's burned me more than once. Unfortunately, moving to UFS is
not an option for a whole host of reasons.

Ya know, Apple stated on their Web site, "there is never any good reason to
have a case-sensitive file system." Can you believe that? I wrote back to
them and stated, "there is never any good reason to have a case-INsensitive
filesystem." But, of course, they never replied. :)

> Try using Disk Copy to setup and mount a blank (UFS) image, or having a
> separate UFS partition.

I did this and cvs now works perfectly. Thanks for the great tip. I REALLY
appreciate it.

> [1] Unless your filesystem is UFS, rather than HFS+, in which case
> you'll have lots of interesting other problmes.

I know. I once tried to move to UFS. Big mistake. Apple's UFS limits file
sizes to 2GB, and it doesn't support meta-data.

> [2] CVS keeps a shedload of metadata here


Since the topic has moved from FreeBSD to Apple Mac OSX, it's now off-topic
and I should now kill this thread.


Paul A. Scott

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