On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 11:53:22AM -0600, Kevin Day wrote:
> Ok, I admit, no matter how it happened, an application using the wrong libc 
> is a bad thing.
> But, how are things supposed to work? 

Apps that need the old libc.so.4 will find it in
/usr/lib/compat/libc.so.4 (or /usr/lib/libc.so.4 if you didn't remove
it, for that matter).

> In any case, a system lockup or being able to crash other user's processes 
> just by having the wrong libc shouldn't be possible no matter what happens.

Probably not, although if you have processes running as root and using
the `wrong' libc, all bets are off.

Jacques A. Vidrine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          http://www.celabo.org/
NTT/Verio SME          .     FreeBSD UNIX     .       Heimdal Kerberos

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