Brad Knowles wrote:
> At 4:41 PM -0800 2003/02/02, Terry Lambert wrote:
> >  Donald Knuth seemed to like them well enough to publish the
> >  algorithm, as part of his discussion on randomness.  He *didn't*
> >  publish RC4, in that same discussion.
>         RC stands for Ron's Code.  This stuff came after the work that
> Diffie Hellman did, for which the patent expired a little while ago.
> Did RC4 even exist at the time that Don published that book?

Not the original edition, but yes, for the revised edition, which
is only a couple of years old, and, in fact, includes some new
algorithms, based on the fact that Fermat's last Theorem has been
proved, proving the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture as a side effect,

-- Terry

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