Darryl Okahata wrote:
> Tom Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ACPI gives me hell on my IBM Thinkpad A31, also.  Yet since it
> > does not crash anything I just leave it be waiting for the day
> > when the ACPI hackers have time to fix it :)
>      It may not necessarily be a FreeBSD problem (or, not only).  While
> there may be issues with FreeBSD's ACPI, there are definitely issues
> with the A31 BIOS:
>         http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=3597168

A more useful reference, I think, is:


If you add similar code to FreeBSD to detect and patch the BIOS
table, this fixes the problem in FreeBSD, as well (though adding
the code is somewhat tricky: YMMV, knowledge of both FreeBSD and
Linux required; sorry, I do not have a patch against -current).

-- Terry

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