Terry Lambert wrote:

1)      Machines do not ship with it enabled by default; a
        Windows user has about as much probability of doing
        the necessary work to enable it as they do of making
        something other than Internet Explorer their default

2)      You have to go to a command line prompt and issue a
        cryptic command to enable it at all.

Err, not at all. You go to install/remove additional windows components (I do not recall the exact phrasing) and select IPv6.

3)      When you enable it, you get a huge scare warning about
        it being experimental.

I didn't. :-) And the bastard stopped doing A queries. :-)

4)      95% of the existing Windows machines in the world are
        not running XP, and the last time I saw the code for
        Windows 95/98 IPv6 support was the Summer of 2000; they
        took it down from their site after that.

5)      AFAIK, it still doesn't support key exchange, so you
        have to manually configure the keys, which is a really
        difficult and tedious process, and won't work with any
        embedded device that depend on key exchange working
        (e.g. thing NAT gateways, etc.).

6)      The last time I tried the "experimental" version, it did
        not correctly interoperate with AIX or FreeBSD, but worked
        fine Windows-to-Windows, so they've done *something* to it
        to embrace and extend it.

In short: "It's not ready for Prime Time".

-- Terry

Daniel C. Sobral                   (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
VIVO Centro Oeste Norte
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904


Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
                -- Erma Bombeck

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