Morten Rodal wrote:
On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 01:26:24PM +0100, Matt wrote:

Morten Rodal wrote:

On Sat, Sep 27, 2003 at 11:31:25PM -0400, Jeff Roberson wrote:

On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Morten Rodal wrote:

It has improved quite a bit lately, and is now also working with KSE.
However, the mouse will get sluggish whenever the computer is under
bursts of load (i.e. a compile)

I have not had this experience. Can you give me details of your machine and the kind of load that causes slugishness? I'll correct it as soon as I can identify it.

The machine is an dual Pentium 2 300MHz, and I'm running gnome 2.4.
I do also experience this with my computer at school, a single Pentium3

The load isn't very complicated, usually just gnome 2.4 and mozilla
firebird running.  If I then do anything that requires lots of cpu,
like a compile of a program, the interactivity drops fast.

On the dual machine I have also experienced a *HUGE* increase in the
time for "portupgrade -ar" to complete.  I am not familiar with how
portupgrade works, but it seems to spawn a few make's and sort's, but
I am not sure why it is currently using 3 hours instead of 10 minutes
to complete! (This was tested when there was no packages to upgrade,
which shouldn't take long)

Both machines (this dual and the one at school) are running with a
libmap.conf in order to use libkse, is this perhaps affecting the
performance of ULE?

I am not sure how useful this is to you, but if you have any other
pointers as to what I should look at just ask.

Are you running 5.1-release or 5.1-current?

I ask because I have used ULE on two different kernels so far on this box. One was 5.1-release running gnome2, mozilla, xmms. On this the mouse stutters really badly whenever anything is being compiled.

However on the 5.1-current kernel this behavior no longer happens and the mouse is fine.

I suspect ULE has had a few enhancements between the release and now.

I am running 5.1-current

Dual machine:
FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #3: Thu Sep 25 04:03:23 CEST 
2003     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/slurp i386

School computer:
FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT #2: Fri Sep 26 09:12:55 
CEST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/hauk10  i386

Ahh I tell you the other difference. I had a USB mouse when I tried ULE with 5.1-release and it stuttered. It's just a ps2 one on the current kernel where it's not stuttering.


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