On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Aggelos Economopoulos wrote:

> On Monday 29 September 2003 08:05, Jeff Roberson wrote:
> > On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> [...]
> > > It happens when compiling stuff, when loading complicated pages in
> > > Mozilla Firebird, and when logging out of GNOME 2.4 (the 'background
> > > fade' animation brings my Athlon XP 2000+ to its knees when I use
> > > SCHED_ULE).
> > >
> > > Arjan
> >
> > Gnome seems to be a common theme.  Are you also using libkse?  There could
> > be some interaction there.
> I'm experiencing similar stuff with kde + libthr (kernel built with sources
> from 18/9).
> Aggelos
Are you running seti, rc4, etc?  Any programs that sit in the background
and consume 100% of the cpu?

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